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Do you want to learn new creative skills? Grab your sketchbook and art supplies and join one of my online courses!

For the courses in Dutch, click here.

Online course: Illustrative Portraits

Want to learn how to draw portraits? Do you ever try to draw faces, but always fail? Do you see sketchbooks filled with beautiful portraits and wish you could have that too? You can!

Join this online course and surprise yourself with the illustrative portraits you will soon be making. 

"I’ve wanted to draw portraits for soooo long, but I was really dreading this! Nienke has really helped me get over this fear. With her clear instructions it's suddenly not so scary anymore.”

Online course: Illustrative Characters

Want to learn how to get better at drawing people? Do you avoid drawing people because it is too difficult? Or do you even think: ‘I’ll never be able to do that’? Then this course is definitely for you!

After following this course you will make know how to draw people, and you’ll draw them with confidence!

"What a wonderful course. I didn't think I could draw characters. But thanks to Nienke's clear course now I can. It's addictive!"

Combo package:
Illustrative Portraits and Characters

Would you like to take both illustrative courses? Learn how to draw portraits and people form head to toe? 

Choose the combo package and you will receive almost 15% discount! You get access to both courses right away, for 6 months in total.

"Thanks to Nienke’s clear explanations, I managed to draw beautiful characters. Never thought I would be able to do this. This is highly recommended for anyone who thinks they cannot draw people.”

Online course: Sketch journaling Basic

In this course by Nienke & Anne from @goudenlijntjes you will learn how to record your day in beautiful sketch journaling pages. Everything becomes extra special when you record it in your sketchbook!

Learn how to draw illustrations, hand lettering, urban sketches and more. With over 30 videos and homework assignments.

"I never thought I would be able to make such beautiful pages too! The different lessons nicely complement each other, just like the styles of Anne & Nienke."

Start immediately – € 159

About Nienke

As an illustrator, Nienke regularly gives (online and offline) workshops and tutorials.

During these workshops she shares her knowledge with you with a lot of enthusiasm and energy, so you can get to work right away!

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